What is a domain name ?

Every machine on the Internet is identified by a sequence of numbers (IP address) that cannot be remmebred easily. To simplify this identification, it was decided to match each IP address a different name: the domain name.

A domain name consists of a sequence of characters (A to Z, 0-9 and the hyphen) and, in most cases, is the name of a company, brand, association, individual, etc. . , And a suffix also called TLD (. tn. de,. ca. jp. net,. com, etc..).

Details of the domain name:

A domain name consists of several elements:
• The root (eg company) which is normally the name of your company or your business, and this name can be composed of one or more words separated by a hyphen or not.
• An extension or suffix separated from the root by a point, eg. tn
• The entire contiguous forming the domain name, eg societe.tn
• An Internet address (www.societe.tn) is all contiguous, usually preceded by the three W, which means World Wide Web.

The extensions (suffixes)

There are many extensions, indeed, the DNS is based on a hierarchy of domain names. At the top of the hierarchy come the top-level domains, which are usually divided into two categories: the generic top level domains (gTLDs) and top-level domains that are country codes (ccTLDs).

The international body responsible for defining domain names is ICANN.

The top-level domains that are country codes (ccTLDs)

There is also the country suffixes (ccTLDs) which are managed by local agencies. It is therefore possible to register a domain name. Tn (Tunisia). Ch (China). De (Germany). Be (Belgium )....

Each of these areas consists of a code of two-letter country resulting from the standard 3166 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 3166).

Technical requirements

The domain name may include:
- 2 letters minimum and 63 maximum
- The letters from A to Z
- The numbers, 0-9
- A dash "-" inside the name

It never include:
- Accented letters
- Punctuation
- The sign "space"
- Special characters, excluding the dash

Uppercase or lowercase, regardless. By convention, they are always written in lowercase.
